Zwei Prototypen auf Zwei Prototypen

Marc and Matze, two relaxed guys, just go for it, let's see what will happen. Together they are going to participate the bohemian boarder bash race, which bypasses the former border of Bohemia. Because that's not crazy enough, they ride the whole track with two bikes that are still in thier test phase. So two prototypes test two prototypes. What could go wrong?

Two Prototypes on two prototypes on their ultracycling Adventure together.




Produced and Directed by Stephan Wieser

In cooperation with Specialized

„Three Peaks & In Between“ erzählt die Geschichte von Jana und dem Radrennen ihres Lebens. Im Rahmen des Three Peaks Bike Race überwindet sie fast 2000 Kilometer und 30.000 Höhenmeter und durchläuft dabei mehrfach das gesamte menschliche Gefühlsspektrum. Am Ende dieses außergewöhnlichen Rennens zeigt sich jedoch einmal mehr, dass man die großen Momente und schönsten Erinnerungen auf dem Weg erfährt und nicht, wie oftmals vermutet, beim Überqueren der Ziellinie.

Das Three Peaks Bike Race ist ein Bikepacking Rennen von Wien nach Nizza. Die Fahrer müssen dabei verschiedene Checkpoints passieren und sind völlig auf sich allein gestellt. Im Durchschnitt brauchen die Teilnehmer 9-10 Tage um das Ziel zu erreichen. Ein Preisgeld gibt es nicht.



Produced and Directed by Stephan Wieser

„Beyond the doubt“ tells the story of three teams crossing the alps in an iconic multi-day trail running event called the Transalpine Run. In this grueling race the teams of 2 have to overcome their physical and even more mental barriers and in doing so experience the full range of emotions. From excitement and confidence at the start over lurking self-doubt and distressing fear of failure, to pure bliss, relief and joyfulness when finally crossing the finish line of the last stage.

The Transalpine Run is the most beautiful mountain stage race in the world. Every year 300+ teams register to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the alps, an outstandingly hearty community of runners and the lovely care of dozens of helpers and organizers. With „Beyond the doubt“ filmmaker Stephan Wieser digs deep into the scene of the 2019 edition by capturing stunning outdoor images, in-depth athlete interviews and true emotions.